10 HP Duplex Rotary Scroll Air Compressor
Legendary Experience
Innovative Design
Gardner Denver has over 150 years of experience in design and
manufacturing of the highest quality compressors. The EnviroAire
rotary scroll system is the perfect example of our progressive
Oil-less compressors have become a standard in industries such
as medical, lab/research, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food
and beverage, and semi-conductor. Oil contamination is extremely
detrimental to these processes. Pure air quality demands are
rapidly growing with new regulations and laws regarding oil
contamination throughout multiple industries and applications.
Gardner Denver has designed the EnviroAire scroll compressor
specifically for these applications that require 100% OIL-FREE
AIR, including NFPA & CSA code compliant multiplex systems
- Make: Gardner Denver
- Model: HENVS5D-8
- Hp: 10
- KW:
- PSI: 116/140
- ACFM: 27.8/25.0
- Weight (LBS): 1110
- Tank: 80 Gal
- ISO 8573-1 Class: 0